Friday, May 15, 2015

Good morning!

Good morning! If you were here in Kenya with me right now, I would pour you a cup of tea to go with mine and ask you to sit next to me on the couch as we talk and watch Kenya wake up. Of course jetlag woke me up before my desired time, but that allowed for me to watch the sunrise as the fog lifted from the valley that we’re overlooking. My brain is taking in everything I have seen and touched, heard and smelled, all the meals I have eaten. And this is what I would tell you. Kenya is gorgeous. From the lush green trees to the deep valley surrounded by mountains and clouds. Flowers grow with no limits with means butterflies move ever so gracefully yet boldly. The people are beautiful. From Sarah in the Super Duka (a small shop), to Oscar and Fred who work diligently at Naomi’s Village, the old man Steven who sells roses for a living. There was Grace who speaks of God’s provision while living in an Inner Displaced Persons camp and Edward who teaches science in small classrooms. And my friends who shared dinner with me at the Bible College who loved to laugh and joke and as questions, who asked me come back and always sit at their table. I feel so welcomed. People tell you that Kenyans are big hearted and happy, but it is totally another thing to experience it for yourself. The roads are bumpy and usually washed away…but that is just one more thing that reminds me home. Kenya and Papua New Guinea will never be the same place, but there are so many little things that remind me of where I grew up. The relaxed time, the PK, Milo and Cadbury chocolate that stock the shelves. Fresh fruit, flowers, mountain air and trees, cool mornings and warm days. Warm smiles, and little kids walking home from school. Community. And last night when I saw the Southern Cross in the stars, my heart nearly burst. I would tell you also that I am tired and the jetlag and altitude are nothing to joke with. The plane rides were long and crapped, but the food was good. And praise the Lord we got our VISA, and through customs perfectly fine. If I was feeling honest I would tell you that at first it was hard, it was a lot to take in, but by the time I went back to bed last night, my heart with full and Kenya had already gripped my heart ever so slightly. It is hard to process that I will be here for 3 more months and I cannot even imagine all that can happen in that time, but I am excited. Our first team leaves today and will be getting in tomorrow night. In the meantime we are continuing to meet people, and visit the places/ministries we will be working with this summer. Please pray as meet new people and build relationships, and plan for this summer. Pray for the team as they come, that they would have safe travels and we can help them adjust. Pray for strength and good health. Thank you friend, I have to go grab some breakfast before we dive into a new day! Love from Kenya.

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